
Name of the Organization: Humanity for Development and Prosperity Organization
Status: Non-Government Organization (N.G.O)
Type of the Organization: International
Acronym: HDPO
Humanity for Development and Prosperity is a non-governmental, non-profit stepped in
humanitarian response starting from Uganda where the head quarter. The organization was
established in 2012 and it became fully operational in 2018. Its first intervention was in refugee
response in Uganda, where we worked in partnership with the ministry of health and humanitarian
partners. The organization not only worked for poverty alleviation through providing basic
assistance but also promoting communities and institutional capacity building, peace building, lifesaving services, working and supporting good governance.
Nobody left behind while moving towards reduction of the poverty within communities where
everybody has the opportunity to realize their potential.
Support people and communities in situations of illiteracy, conflicts and social injustices. HDPOs
interventions aim to achieve large scale, positive changes through building capacities, responding
emergencies and social programs that enable women and men to realize their potential.
Our Core Values
Integrity: HDPO insist transparency and accountability in all its business, straight forward policies
and procedures, while the utmost level of honesty in its financial dealings is the core and essential.
Inclusiveness: HDPO is committed to involving, supporting and recognizing the value of all
components of society, regardless of religion, gender, nationality, ethnicity, age, physical or
mental ability, other status and geography.
Effectiveness: HDPO values efficiency and excellence in all its operations and business,
continuously attempt to do better and to meet the standards.
Innovation: HDPO is an innovator in Peace building and promoting skills that lead in creating
opportunities for people living injustice and to lift themselves out of poverty. HDPO values
quality in program design and strives to act leadership in development initiatives.
Objectives and priority interventions:
 Design humanitarian and developmental interventions and activities in proportion to needs and
on the basis of needs assessments and country’s priorities.
 Build strategic partnerships with partners aiming at responding to various humanitarian crisis
and strengthening governments’ developmental initiatives.
 Ensure, to the greatest possible extent, adequate involvement of beneficiaries in the design,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian responses.
 Strengthen the capacity of the affected population and host communities to prevent, prepare
for, mitigate and respond to humanitarian crises, with the goal of ensuring that government
entities and the communities are better able to meet their responsibilities and co-ordinate
effectively with humanitarian partners.
 Provide humanitarian assistance in ways that are supportive of recovery and long-term
development, striving to ensure support, where appropriate, to the maintenance and return of
sustainable livelihoods and transitions from humanitarian relief to recovery and development
With whom We work and How?
HDPO works closely with the sister INGOs, NGOs, CBOs, Government and UN agencies in
identifying the gaps, building response strategies and conduct the operations through the following
sectors; Protection, Health & Nutrition, Education, WASH, Peace building and Livelihood
What We do?
HDPO operate the following program
Lives saving program in emergencies and post emergency
– Water, Sanitation and Hygiene promotion
– Education program
– Peace building
– Livelihood and income generating activities
– Health and Nutrition
– Protection (Gender Based Violence, Child Protection and community-based protection).
– Environment and energy conservation: support the initiates of Government and UNEP,
UNDP and UNPOS in protecting the environment and the natural resources. HDPO will
invest its technical know-how and the possible interventions contributing in such efforts.
HDPO’s approach involves community engagement.
Where We work?
Uganda: in the refugees setting and country wise emergency response
Sudan: Khartoum, Darfur states, Sennar and Blue Nile
South Sudan (under establishment)
Oure Target Groups:
HDPO target group is always the most disadvantaged segment of the society especially women,
children within communities including conflict-affected and return areas to support their
HDPO strongly support the community-based projects where the communities contribute and
participate to achieve the government objectives and the sustainability.
Governance and structure of HDPO
The organization has different structures where the decision and the management process goes
through board of director’s committee. This is the key body which provides support to the
organization in terms of; interventions, review and approve changes for new interventions, annual
budgets and expanding towards new humanitarian intervention as proposed by the management.
The CEO guide and support the different country directors in their country level program and
provide the advice that helps in integrating the organization’s efforts to the broader humanitarian
community initiatives.
At the program level, HDPO program coordinators and Head of Offices work in consultative
approaches in designing the programs that support the value of the organization and maintain the
overall humanitarian response and partnership within countries where HDPO operates.
At the operational level, HDPO set up different policies which guards and serve the accountability
in all the above mentioned governing channels and this extend downward to the beneficiaries
HDPO work for. Therefore, Humanitarian Accountability Framework (HAF), accountability to
affected population and others humanitarian accountability related charters remains the core
commitment for HDPO in all its works.
The Board Directors (BDs) hereby signed this document and it will remain a committed document
as they lead the organization in its journey to support the affected and most vulnerable population